Jan 19, 2019


1.- Reported Speech. Rewrite the following sentences into Reported Speech.


1.- Daniel said that he might take the train.
2.- Wendy said Sam had already switched off the lights.
3.- Nathalie said she could go to the party the following week.
4.- Sylvia told Richard she had never met his parents.
5.- Helen said they had to get there before the others arrived.
6.- Ben told the others he didn't want to eat there again.
7.- The teacher told the class their behaviour had been excellent the day before.
8.- Claire said that her parents had visited Paris two years before.
9.- The reported asked the actress what her plans were for the following week.
10.-The doctor asked the patient how often he did exercise.
11.- The journalist asked the Prime Minister whether he would be flying to New York the following Tuesday.
12.- She told us not to wait for her if she was late.
13.- She suggested going out for a meal that night.
14.- The policeman asked me if I could open my bag.
15.- Susan told her sister not to worry.
16.- The officer requested to shut up and not to make any noise.
17.- Our neighbour warned us not to go too near his dog because it was dangerous.
18.- The criminal admitted stealing the money.
19.- He said to the police that he hadn't had anything to do with the robbery.
20.- She wondered how much that car would cost.

Sep 19, 2018

Writing a formal email

To whom it may concern,

I am an undergraduated student and I am writing to ask for further information about a trip to Chernobyl. I am highly interested in dark tourism as I am thinking of doing a research on some historical sites where horrible tragedies occurred in the past.

I would really appreciate if you could provide me with some information on how to get to this place as well as some place where to stay such as a youth hostel or a Bed and Breakfast. As I am a student, as I said before, I am on a budget so I cannot spend much money on the trip. I could travel with a rucksack so I do not need to pay extra money for my luggage on the flight and I can also share a room with other people if there is the possibility to stay in a hostel. It would also be very kind of you if you could provide with further details about other places to visit nearby.

Thanking in advance your kind attention and collaboration, I look forward to hearing from you back soon.

Best regards,

Sergio López

Jun 2, 2016


1.- ¿De dónde eres? Soy español, pero vivo en Inglaterra.
Where are you from? I'm Spanish, but I live in England.
2.- Normalmente voy al colegio en coche.
I normally go to school by car.
3.- Ahora mismo los niños están limpiando su habitación.
Right now the children are cleaning their bedroom.
3.- Ayer estaba corriendo cuando vi un accidente.
Yesterday I was running when I saw an accident.
4.- Mientras estábamos cenando, alguien llamó a la puerta.
While we were having dinner, someone rang the door.
5.- Estaba tomando una ducha, cuando el teléfono sonó.
I was having a shower, when the phone rang.
6.- Ellos juegan al fútbol una vez a la semana.
They play football once a week.
7.- No debería comer tanta comida rápida.
I shouldn't eat so much fast food.
8.- ¿Cómo se deletrea tu nombre?
How do you spell your name?
9.- En mi pueblo hay una estación de tren. Está detrás de la biblioteca.
In my village there is a train station. It's behind the library.
10.- No hubo mucha gente en la fiesta de cumpleaños de Peter.
There weren't many people at Peter's birthday party.

May 25, 2016


1.- Turn the following questions into the PASSIVE VOICE.

1.- People always admire this picture.
2.- He hurt his leg in an accident.
3.- No one opened this box.
4.- People used The Tower of London as a prison.
5.- Somebody built this bridge last year.
6.- People speak English all over the world.
7.- They punished the boy for something he didn't do.
8.- They gave my little sister a ticket.
9.- The boy asked a difficult question.
10.- The terrorists blew up the bridge.
11.- The police caught the thief.


1.- Complete the following sentences with the correct verb form of the FIRST CONDITIONAL. 

1.- If I am not (not be), I'll come (come) with you.
2.- If it rains (rain), we will stay_ (stay) at home.
3.- I will call (call) you if I have (have) time.
4.- If she doesn't study (not study) hard, she won't pass (not pass) the exams.
5.- If the weather is (be) nice, we'll go (go) to the beach.
6.- You will get (get) fat if you don't stop (not stop) eating so much.
7.- If I see  (see) Jonh, I'll tell (tell) him about the party.
8.- Mum will be (be) angry) if I don't tidy (not tidy) my room.
9.- If we don't leave (not leave) now, we will miss (miss) the bus.
10.- You won't go (not go) to the party if you don't do  (not do) your homework.

2.- Complete the following sentences with the correct verb form of the SECOND CONDITIONAL.

1.- If he exercised (exercise), he would be healthier.
2.- If I were (be) you, I would call the police.
3.- I would buy (buy) a new jacket if I had (have) some money.
4.- I would help (help) if I were (be) you.
5.- I would travel (travel) around the world if I won (win) the lottery.
6.- If she had(have) time, she'd go (go) to the gym.
7.- If I met (meet) an alien, I would be (be) scared.
8.- If I went (go) to New York, I 'd visit  (visit) the Empire State Building.

May 11, 2016


Turn the following sentences into the Negative and Interrogative form. Put the VERB TENSE in brackets. Then translate into Spanish.

1.- I do karate every day. (PRESENT SIMPLE).
I don't do karate every day.
Do I do karate every day?
Yo hago karate todos los días.
2.- She loves dancing in her free time. (PRESENT SIMPLE)
She doesn't love dancing in her free time
Does she love dancing in her free time?
A ella le encanta bailar en su tiempo libre.
3.- He goes swimming once a week. (PRESENT SIMPLE)
He doesn't go swimming once a week.
Does he go swimming once a week?
4.- She is doing her homework right now. (PRESENT CONTINUOUS)
She isn't doing her homework right now.
Is she doing her homework right now?
Ella está haciendo sus deberes ahora mismo.
5.- They are listening to music. (PRESENT CONTINUOUS)
They aren't listening to music.
Are they listening to music?
Ellos están escuchando música.
6.- Our teacher gave us a test yesterday. (PAST SIMPLE)
Our teacher didn't give us a test yesterday.
Did our teacher give us a test yesterday?
Nuestra profesora nos día un examen ayer.
7.- We enjoyed the football match. (PAST SIMPLE)
We didn't enjoy the football match.
Did they enjoy the football match?
Ellos disfrutaron del partido de fútbol.
8.- They took a boat to go to the island in the lake.(PAST SIMPLE)
They didn't take a boat to go to the island in the lake.
Did they take a boat to go to the island in the lake?
Ellos cogieron una barca para ir a la isla del lago.
9.- We must behave in class. (MODAL VERB - OBLIGATION)
We mustn't behave in class.
Debemos portarnos bien en clase.
10.- We should eat more fruit and vegetables. (MODAL VERB - ADVICE)
We shouldn't eat more fruit and vegetables.
Should we eat more fruit and vegetables?
Deberíamos comer más fruta y verduras.
11.- People could use computers one year ago. (MODAL VERB - ABILITY IN THE PAST)
People couldn't use computers one year ago.
Could people use computers one year ago?
La gente podía usar ordenadores hace un año.
12.- They were cooking. (PAST CONTINUOUS)
They weren't cooking.
Were they cooking?
Ellos estaban cocinando.
13.- She was walking her dog. (PAST CONTINUOUS)
She wasn't walking her dog.
Was she walking her dog?
Ella estaba paseando a su perro.
14.- I will study harder next year. (FUTURE SIMPLE)
I won't study harder next year.
Will you study harder next year?
Estudiaré más el próximo año.
15.- People will travel to the Moon soon. (FUTURE SIMPLE)
People won't travel to the Moon soon.
Will people travel to the Moon soon?
La gente viajará a la luna pronto.